AFF - African Friendship Fund
AFF stands for African Friendship Fund
Here you will find, what does AFF stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate African Friendship Fund? African Friendship Fund can be abbreviated as AFF What does AFF stand for? AFF stands for African Friendship Fund. What does African Friendship Fund mean?African Friendship Fund is an expansion of AFF
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Alternative definitions of AFF
- Adult Friend Finder
- American Family Foundation
- Advance Fee Fraud
- Automated Flight Following
- Arab Film Festival
- Asean Football Federation
- Austin Film Festival
View 70 other definitions of AFF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- AFSIE AFS Intercultural Exchanges
- AMDAI AMDA International
- AK Amnesty Korea
- AMURT Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team
- AQ AQ21
- AQJ AQ21 Japan
- AASF Artists without borders - Artistes Sans Frontieres
- AAM Asia Academy of Management
- AAYMCA Asia Alliance of YMCAs
- AOSCE Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology
- AOTA Asia and Oceania Thyroid Association
- AAMLS Asia Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists
- ACTS Asia Centre for Techological Studies and Mission
- ACTC Asia Consultancy on Tobacco Control
- ACPF Asia Crime Prevention Foundation
- ADI Asia Disability Institute
- AEU Asia Electronics Union
- AIOUM Asia International Open University, Macau
- AJWRC Asia Japan Women's Resource Centre
- AMA Asia Missions Association